Elf-athon | A Christmas Tradition


Watch the Highlight Video

Every year we have a movie night where we eat breakfast for dinner and watch the movie Elf. This year Tylee termed it as our annual “Elf-athon” and I don’t think there could be a more fitting title for it.

We used The Food Nanny’s famous pancake recipe and just threw together other favorite breakfast foods like eggs, hash browns, sausage, and some frozen french toast sticks {but obviously we cooked them first 😉 }.

We made sure to have fruit, m&m’s, cool whip, marshmallows, and syrup for toppings. I found some really cheap festive embellishments and dishes at our local Walmart to make it even more festive.

It was so fun. This year I decided to put together a little video to remember the small moments.

We want to give an extra big shoutout to Lola and Taylor for gifting us the cutest, most comfy pajamas we’ve ever owned. They are such a high quality and feel like butter on your skin. Not to mention, how cute are these?! If you want some high quality, matching family pajamas, make sure you check out their goods.

We hope that you will steal this tradition and do it with your own families. That’s what life is all about, making memories with the ones you love.


The Griffins

Pajamas | Lola and Taylor


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