With Santa Claus and bunnies and chicks, sometimes it’s easy to forget about the reason why we actually have a Santa Claus and Easter bunnies in the first place. Over the past few years we have established a few ideas that we do to help focus on a Christ-centered Easter in our family.

3 Simple Ideas We Do
Here are 3 simple ideas we’ve done for the past few years to help keep the focus on Christ during the Easter season. We just leave them out in our main living room area for the kids to play with and use. It naturally brings up the story of Christ, His life, and all the questions that we can only begin to try to answer. You know exactly what I’m saying if you have kids.

But, don’t get me wrong, we’re all about the baskets and the bunnies and spoiling our kiddos. We just want to make sure that we’re also teaching them along with those festivities.

- Flannel Board: First, we use this with the flannel board from Rally Felt Co and use the flannel board images to tell the story of Christ.

- Easter Story Egg: Second, this story is perfect with the nesting eggs. Basically, even our youngest (he’s 2) can take the eggs apart, stack them, and put them all back together again. It comes with this cute story book that explains the images on each egg.

- Resurrection Eggs: In addition to those, this easter egg idea is perfect for all ages to remember what Easter is really about. It comes with a book. The book tells the order you’ll open the eggs. In each of the eggs there is a symbol and a message. This shares about what happened during the resurrection. We usually do this Easter Sunday. It reminds everyone of the small details in the resurrection.
Idea on Easter Basket Timing
Finally, another family idea that we started doing back when we lived in AZ, is giving Easter baskets early. We set up hunts and baskets the night before the day before Easter. Basically, we set them out for the Saturday before Easter Sunday. That way on Easter Sunday, we can do a fun Easter breakfast and spend the day with a little more focus on the Savior. Previously we shared the Resurrection Eggs to tell the story of the crucifixion and resurrection – we pull those out on Easter Sunday. We go through them as a family.
Additionally, we like to make a festive Easter breakfast on Sunday morning. If you haven’t tried our Crepes Recipe and the filling that goes with them. You need to give them a try. They’d be the perfect Easter breakfast!