13 Weeks, Oreos, Crawdads & Fireworks

Well, the title really sums up what went on this past week. Skip ahead to the video if you wanna just see the recap.

First, and foremost, I have to give a shoutout to Oreo for sponsoring this post! All content and opinions expressed here are my own.

YOU GUYS!!!! I had no idea how many different flavors of Oreo there are…. seriously head to your local Walmart and check out the selection.


I’m talking:

Berry, Lemon, Peanut Butter, Firework, Cookie Dough, Marshmallow, Birthday Cake, and so many more!!

Tylee’s all-time favorite was the Firework flavor – which is SO fitting for this weekend.

I’m still struggling with my taste from my tonsillectomy {I still need to share the nitty gritty about this surgery from H-E-double-hockey-sticks} so chocolate is still on my “not-so-favorite” list right now, so I LOVED the golden oreos with lemon. In fact, just thinking of them is making my pregnancy cravings spike.

Brandon, {being the up-and-coming dentist, is a party pooper, and only ate a few 😉 } but he says he liked the Cinnamon Bun ones.

And Mr. Camden would eat us out of house and home of any kind we gave him. HE LOVED THEM ALL. What’s new?! {wink!}


As for me & the new babe – we are 13 weeks along and sicker than a dog – who came up with that saying?! This little baby has given me a run for my money. I was lucky with the other two in not getting very sick, but this little guy/gal decided that they want to stir things up. I thought that once you got through that magic 12th week {aka first trimester} that it would all be uphill… no such luck… yet! Cross your fingers for me – or should I say us? 😉

And as you might know – we live in the hottest state known to mankind so it is VERY difficult to get time outside. But as it’s the 4th of July – we decided to head up to some of the only existing mountains here {wink!} to get some outdoorsy-ing in.

  • We paddle boarded – speaking of, WE LOVE THEM {our paddle boards, we’ve even named them}!!! BEST PURCHASE EVER!! We’ll share more on these later.
  • We craw-dunted {crawdad hunted}. DISCLAIMER: No animals were harmed.
  • Watched some AMAZING fireworks.
  • Spent time with one of THE most amazing families ever!
  • And just enjoyed being way from work, school, and basically all responsibility.

We love our country and we love our freedom. We are so grateful for those who have sacrificed for America and we hope to one day be able to thank them all.

Grab yourself some Oreos, and enjoy the video,




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