Camping in the sticks | Mongollan Rim with Toyota

This post was sponsored by Toyota but all views and opinions expressed are our own.


No campsite reserved? // check.

Labor day weekend? // check.

No cash for a cash-only site? // check

Broken air mattress pump? // check

Rain? // check

And we forgot the mallows.

Can you say camping success?!

You bet it was.


It was this little cutie’s very first time camping and it’s safe to say that she loved it. She found a few pinecones and dirts to eat and was alllll about it.


We headed out in the 2018 Toyota Sequoia TRD Sport toward the Mongollan Rim in AZ with a few destinations in mind. We rolled into a few campsites – all full. Finally we pulled up to one and they had one spot for the night – but they only took cash. We dug out our wallets and we only had a few bucks – face to the palm.

So we promised them our life and gave them the few dollars we had and told them we’d hit the ATM that was down the road a ways and we’d be back. Luckily, those good people took pity on us and gave us the benefit of the doubt & we had a place to stay.
Then it was time to set up camp – and lo and behold our air mattress pump was a no-go. Again we were saved by a kind stranger that had one we could borrow. Thank goodness, because I don’t know about you, but I don’t enjoy sleeping on the rocks – literally!

We whipped out the grahams for s’mores but guess who forgot the mallows {face palm AAAAGAIN! – raincheck on that one}

But we had Jiffy Pop so all was swell – we watched a movie by our fire on B’s iPad with our portable speaker and it ended up being a very fun, memorable trip.

A big fat thanks to Toyota for getting us there safe and sound. It was a pretty sweet ride. And Abigayle loved her first time out in the woods.


Check out our highlight Video.

Make sure to check out our family hike in Sedona a few years ago.


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